Over 300 faculty members and world-renowned practitioners offer you top-quality training. This weaving together of academic knowledge and practical experience creates a unique learning experience, where theory and reality intersect to bring knowledge to life.
Sameh Abadir
Adjunct Professor, HEC Montréal and Professor of Leadership and Negotiation, IMD Business School
Marine Agogué
Associate Professor, HEC Montréal
Marie-Andrée Alain
Vice President and Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer, Desjardins
Dominique Anglade
Adjunct Professor and Co-Leader, Sustainable Transition Office, HEC Montréal
Sébastien Arcand
Professor, Department of Management, HEC Montréal
Benoit Aubert
Professor, HEC Montréal
Sylvain M. Audette
Guest Professor, HEC Montréal
Marie-Claude Bacon
Vice President, Public Affairs and Communications, Metro Inc.
Pierre Balloffet
Associate Professor, HEC Montréal
Céline Bareil
Professor, HEC Montréal
Charles Baribeault
Full-Time Lecturer, HEC Montréal
Luciano Barin Cruz
Professor, Department of Management, HEC Montréal
Sabina Bastian
Senior Consultant and Coach - Leadership and Team Development, Humance and Lord Communication managériale
Alain Batty
Adjunct Professor, HEC Montréal
Christine Beaulieu
Lecturer, HEC Montréal and CEO, Gestion Christine Beaulieu inc.
Jean Bédard
President and CEO, Grandio
Pascal Bédard
Full-Time Lecturer, HEC Montréal
Pierre-Marc Bellavance
Executive Vice-President and Leader, Legal and Corporate Services, Beneva
Monique Benoit
Lecturer HEC Montreal
Daniel Berthiaume
consultant en management certifié, chargé de cours
Jean-François Bertholet
Lecturer, HEC Montréal, and Organizational Development Consultant
Marya Besharov
Professor of Organisations and Impact and Academic Director of the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
Richard Blain
Full-Time Lecturer, HEC Montréal
Michelle Blanc
Internet marketing specialist, author, speaker and consultant
Anne-Marie Lynda Boisvert
Forensic Services Expert
Henri-Jean Bonnis
Lecturer, HEC Montréal and Founding Partner and Managing Director, Adsum Consulting Group
Manaf Bouchentouf
Executive Director of Strategy, Development and Sustainability, Institut TransMedTech
Mathieu Boucher
Directeur principal – Relations avec les Premières Nations et les Inuit, Hydro-Québec
Julie Bourbonnais
Partner, Hors-Piste
Caroline Boyce
Freelance trainer, consultant and public speaker
Eric Brat
Adjunct Professor, HEC Montréal
Jean-Daniel Brisson
Président fondateur, Groupe conseil Stratexec Inc
Marie-Claude Brouillette
Senior Faculty Lecturer, HEC Montréal
Eric Brunelle
Professor, HEC Montréal
Johanne Brunet
Professor, HEC Montréal
Alain Brunet
Adjunct Professor, HEC Montréal
Maude Brunet
Associate Professor, Department of Management, HEC Montréal
Guillaume Callonico
Managing Director, Cross-Sectoral and Geopolitical Risks, CDPQ
Pierre-Luc Camirand
Directeur principal de l'expérience numérique client, Cirque du Soleil.
Éric Cardinal
President, SEIZE03
Chantal Line Carpentier
Head, Trade, Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development, UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Valérie Cecchini
Managing Partner, Borealis Global Asset Management
Antoine Chagnon
President and CEO, Lallemand
Louise Champoux-Paillé
Co-Director, Barry F. Lorenzetti Centre for Women in Entrepreneurship and Leadership, Concordia University
Karine Charest
Directrice – Affaires corporatives et gouvernance, et secrétaire adjointe, Hydro-Québec
Celia Chui
Assistant Professor, Department of Management, HEC Montréal
Louise Clément
Market Leader, Quebec, and Senior Consultant - Leadership and Team Development, Humance and Lord Communication managériale
Urwana Coiquaud
Associate Professor, HEC Montréal
Guy Cormier
President and CEO, Desjardins Group
Michel Cossette
Associate Professor, HEC Montréal
Daniel Côté
Corporate Director and Consultant
Stéphane Coulier
Professional Coach
François Dauphin
Chief Executive, Institute for Governance (IGOPP)
Jean-François De Rico
Associé, Services-conseils – Risques technologiques, KPMG
Isabelle Demers
Lecturer, HEC Montréal and and President, idmrs
Simon Denault
Assistant Manager, Governance Secretariat, Ville de Laval
Ginette Depelteau
Corporate Director, Ethics and Compliance Expert
Magali Depras
President and Founder, Magali Depras Services Conseils inc.
Laurence Déry
Associée, Fasken
Véronique Desjardins
Executive Director, Human Resources, Énergir
Marie Lynne Desrochers
Speaker and Consultant HEC Montréal
Yves Devin
Adjunct Professor, HEC Montréal
Giovanni Di Girolamo
CEO, GDG & Ass and lecturer, HEC Montréal
Olivier Doucet
Associate Professor, HEC Montréal
Stéphan Drolet
Regional Managing Partner, Québec Region, KPMG in Canada
Patrick Dubé
Full-Time Lecturer, HEC Montréal
Jean-François Dubé
President, La cage - Brasserie sportive and Brasseurs du monde
Melissa Duhamel
VP Marketing and E-commerce, La Cordée
Robert Dutton
Adjunct Professor, HEC Montréal
Mathilde Einhorn
President, MEImpact
Stéphane Eljarrat
Partner, Osler
Geneviève Fortier
CEO, Promutuel Insurance
Sophie Fortin
Adjunct Professor, HEC Montréal
Daniel Fournier
CEO, DFSA and lecturer, HEC Montréal
Karine Fournier
Partner Fasken
Julianna Fox
Chef de la conformité et de l’éthique, WSP Global Inc.
Jennifer Gabriele
Partner - Leadership and Team Development, Humance and Lord Communication managériale
Hélène V. Gagnon
Chief Sustainability Officer and Senior Vice President, Stakeholder Engagement, CAE
J. A. Gamache
Pascale Gaudreault
Associée, Deloitte
Jean-Luc Geha
Associate Director Sales Institute, HEC Montréal
Marie Pier Germain
V-P, vente et marketing, Germain Hôtels
Pierre Gignac
Global Leader, Ethics and Compliance, CAE
Adrian Gonzalez Sanchez
Telecom & IT Engineer, Microsoft
Marie Eve Gosemick
Directrice principale stratégie, Cartier
Alain Gosselin
Professor emeritus, HEC Montréal
Annie Guérard
Full-Time Lecturer, HEC Montréal
Frédérik Guérin
Chief Executive Officer, The Fabric Club
Sylvie Guignon
Director Consultant, Brio Conseils
Marie-Ève Hallé
Assistant Director, Logistics, CISS de Lanaudière and Lecturer, HEC Montréal and Université du Québec à Montréal
Deborah Hayek
Futurecasting Practice Lead, Manulife
Louis Hébert
Professor, HEC Montréal
Élizabeth Henry
Cheffe de la direction et associée, Adviso, et chargée de cours, HEC Montréal
Kevin Hill
Associate Professor, HEC Montréal
Dominic Jaar
Partner KPMG
Réal Jacob
Professor emeritus, HEC Montréal
Kevin J. Johnson
Associate Professor, HEC Montréal
Brian King
Associate Professor, HEC Montréal
Maria-Laure Knapp
Director, Ashurst
JoAnne Labrecque
Honorary Professor, HEC Montréal
François Labrie
Speaker HEC Montreal
Renaud Lachance
Professeur HEC Montréal
Louise Lachapelle
Lecturer, HEC Montréal and CEO, Gestion Christine Beaulieu inc.
Jean-Pierre Lacroix
Strategic advisor in organizational transformation
Sylvain Lafrance
Adjunct Professor, HEC Montréal
Daniel Lamarre
Executive Vice-Chairman of the Board, Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group
Dominique Lapierre
Executive Director, Théâtre de la Ville
Anne-Josée Laquerre
Executive Director and Co-Initiator, Québec Net Positif
Dominic Larivée
Vice-President Marketing, Personal banking and Wealth management, Desjardins
Sylvain Larocque
Sales Director (Eastern Quebec), SAQ
Jean-François Larouche
Directeur du Département Interactif et directeur de création, Moment Factory
Dominic Lauzon-Marques
Julien Le Maux
Professor, HEC Montréal
Delphine Le Serre
Founder and President, EdHu2050
Jared Lee
Principal, Juniper
Jean-Marc Legentil
Principal Associate, Bell Nordic Consulting
Jacques Lemay
Guest Professor and Director, Department of Finance, HEC Montréal
Sophie Lemieux
Management Consultant and Instructor
Jean-François Lépine
Veteran journalist and geopolitical analyst; President and CEO, Solix Globe Inc.
Annemarie Lesage
Associate Professor, Département de design, École de technologie supérieure and Adjunct Professor, Department of Information Technologies, HEC Montréal
Hugo Lesley
Senior Faculty Lecturer, HEC Montréal
Luc Lespérance
Full-Time Lecturer, HEC Montréal
Hélène Letarte
Enseignante au MBA HEC Montréal, psychologue
Raymonde Lévesque
Lecturer HEC Montreal
Gail Levitt
President, Levitt Communications Inc.
Caroline Loignon
Directrice corporative de l'alignement, de la culture et du développement des talents, Loto-Québec
Isabelle Lord
President and Founder, Lord Communication managériale Partner, Humance
Josée Lortie
Visiting Professor, HEC Montréal
Olivier Lourdel
Full-Time Lecturer, HEC Montréal
Emmanuel Lulin
Former Chief Ethics Officer, L’Oréal Group
Michel Mainville
Senior Faculty Lecturer, Department of Information Technologies, HEC Montréal
Hubert Mposo Makwanda
Founder President, Concilium Capital Humain
Paule Marchand
Trainer, coach and lecturer, Satellite
Isabelle Martin
Associate Professor, School of Industrial Relations, Université de Montréal and Director, Michael D. Penner Institute on ESG
Joé T. Martineau
Associate Professor, Department of Management, HEC Montréal
Claude Mc Master
President, Avingco Capital inc.
Iwan Meier
Professor, Department of Finance, HEC Montréal
Alain Ménard
Senior VP, Dealers and Affiliates Rona
Marc Messier
Lecturer HEC Montreal
Patrick Messier
Président de MESSIER designers et de l’Association des designers industriels du Québec.
Marine Miglianico
Founder, Clinical Psychologist and Manager, Clinique de psychologie positive, Montreal
Estelle M. Morin
Professor, HEC Montréal
François Morin
Directeur de la sécurité corporative, Hydro-Québec
Marc-André Nadon
Faculty Lecturer, Department of Accounting, HEC Montréal
Gaëtan Namouric
Founder, Perrier Jablonski, Lecturer, HEC Montréal
Jacques Neatby
Organizational Development Consultant
Alexandra Némery
Associate Professor, École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS)
Roman Oryschuk
Adjunct Professor, HEC Montréal
Jean-François Ouellet
Associate Professor, HEC Montréal
Josée Ouellet
Strategic consultant and executive coach
Louise Hélène Paquette
Professor, Consultant (strategic intelligence, forecasting, research, business intelligence), Les Éclaireurs, and Associate Researcher, HEC Montréal Media Management Hub
Laura Parent
Expert and consultant in employee value proposition and engagement
Federico Pasin
Director, HEC Montréal
Laure Patouillard
Research Associate, International Reference Centre for the Life Cycle of Products, Processes and Services (CIRAIG) and Polytechnique Montréal; Adjunct Professor, Institute of Environmental Sciences (ISE), Université du Québec à Montréal
Benoit Pelletier
Comedy writer, screenwriter, organizational and corporate trainer, teacher in screenwriting, ENH
Ludovic Phalippou
Professeur d’économie financière, Saïd Business School de l’Université d’Oxford
Ian Picard
Deputy Manager of Development and Asset Management, RBA Financial Group
Ghislain Picard
Chief of the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador (AFNQL)
Pierre Lainey
Senior Faculty Lecturer, HEC Montréal
Pierre-Olivier Pineau
Professor, HEC Montréal
Jean-François Plante
Associate Professor, HEC Montréal
Yves Plourde
Associate Professor, HEC Montréal
Gildas Poissonnier
Chief Sustainability Officer, Desjardins Group
Viana Poulin
Visiting Professor, HEC Montréal
Isabel Pouliot
Executive Vice-President – Talent, Culture and Sustainable Development, Pomerleau
Frederic Prat
Expert in Financial Security and Sustainable Investment
Corinne Prost
Lecturer, HEC Montréal
Sandrine Rastello
Journalist, writer, moderator & interviewer
Claudia Rebolledo
Professor, Department of Logistics and Operations Management, HEC Montréal
Louise Richer
Founder and Executive Director, École nationale de l’humour (ÉNH)
François Rioux
Investor and Lecturer, HEC Montréal
Julie Rochette
Vice-présidente, cheffe de la conformité et de la protection des renseignements personnels, iA Groupe financier
Stéphane Rousseau
Professor, Governance and Business Law Chair and Vice-Dean, Université de Montréal Faculty of Law
Simon Rousseau
Director General, City of Gatineau
Annick Routhier Labadie
President and Founder, Humains & Compagnie
Jacques Roy
Professor, HEC Montréal
Manon Roy
Présidente, La Société juricomptable inc.
Nicolas Sève
Lecturer, HEC Montréal associate and co-founder of C3pH
Jean-Pierre Sablé
Partner, Ascendis Conseils
Gregory Saget-Rudd
Head of Growth, Nesto
Frantz Saintellemy
President and Chief Executive Officer of LeddarTech, Co-founder and Chairman of the Board of Groupe 3737, Chancellor and Chairman of the Board of Université de Montréal
Cyrille Sardais
Professor, Department of Management and Director, Pierre Péladeau Center - Leadership and Management, HEC Montréal
Aurélie Sauthier
Co-Founder, Made in and Lecturer, HEC Montréal
Eduardo Schiehll
Professor, HEC Montréal
Sylvain Sénécal
Professor, HEC Montréal
Anne Sérode
Vice-Présidente, TACT Intelligence conseil
Laurent Simon
Professor, HEC Montréal
Maxime St-Pierre
General Manager, Head of Digital, CBC/Radio-Canada
Hugo Steben
Director of Social Entrepreneurship, Maison de l’innovation sociale
Gabriel Tassé
Lecturer, HEC Montréal and Co-founder Click & Mortar
Boris Tia
Chief, Competitive Market Intelligence, Radio-Canada
Xuan-Hoa Tran
Specialist in digital transformation and business analysis
Michel Tremblay
Professor, HEC Montréal
Tommy Tremblay
Partner, Langlois Avocats
Simon Tremblay
Chief lawyer and principal director of the Affairs Department of the City of Laval
Marie-Sophie Tremblay
Chief Operating Officer, JAMP Pharma Group
Alex Trisoglio
Adjunct Professor, Sauder School of Business
Johanne Turbide
Professor, HEC Montréal
Nadine Vaillant
Faculty Lecturer, HEC Montréal
Ari Van Assche
Professor, Department of International Business, HEC Montréal
Christian Vandenberghe
Professor, HEC Montréal
André Vautour
Partner, Lawyer, Lavery
Gregory Vial
Associate Professor, HEC Montreal
Nicolas Vincent
Professor, HEC Montréal, External Deputy Governor, Bank of Canada
Jean-Marie Zeitouni