Manon Roy

President, La Société juricomptable inc.


Manon Roy is a chartered professional accountant and an expert in investigative and forensic accounting (CPA•IFA) who was awarded the prestigious title of Fellow (FCPA) in 2021 by the Quebec CPA Order.

In the past 25 years, she has specialized exclusively in investigative and forensic accounting. High-profile investigations in Canada, France and Africa have earned her a global reputation as a leading authority in this field. She has worked closely with regulatory agencies, among them the Autorité des marchés financiers and the Haut conseil du commissariat aux comptes in Paris, to implement and optimize their investigative processes.

She has also consulted on a wide range of matters concerning compliance with professional standards, as well as various statutory and regulatory texts, and has conducted numerous compliance audits of corporations, financial institutions and regulatory agencies. Along these same lines, she has worked multiple organizations to examine key fraud, collusion, corruption and money laundering risks in an effort to help them set up robust prevention and detection systems.

In addition to all of this, she is a sought-after conference speaker and one of only a handful of authors focusing on investigative and forensic accounting. Investigation financière et juricomptabilité : Guide de bonnes pratiques, which she co-wrote with Guylaine Leclerc, Auditor General of Quebec, and Emmanuel Charrier, visiting professor at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, was published in 2012.