

Powerful Prompts: Create Effective Queries on ChatGPT

1 day
Explore AI to gain professional efficiency and competitiveness.

Be More Productive and More Creative with ChatGPT and Generative AI

1 day
Master ChatGPT and generative AI to optimize your efficiency and unleash your creativity.

Certification in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Management

6 days
Master the key skills of measuring, validating and communicating ESG criteria.

Using Humour as a Leadership Tool: The Secret to Happier, More Engaged Employees

2 days
Integrate humor in management: an unexpected key to well-being and engagement.

Strengthening Your Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace

2 days
Prévenez et résolvez les conflits de manière constructive, établissez des liens favorisant la collaboration et contribuez plus significativement à votre milieu professionnel.

Supply Chain Management: New Strategies for Success

1 half day
Discover the winning new strategies to optimize your supply chains.
In residence

Sustainability Leadership: Championing Change in an Increasingly Polarized World

1 evening + 5 days
Develop and deploy your own sustainable transition project.

Strategic Recruitment: How to Woo and Wow Candidates - and Seal the Deal

1 jour
Learn how to make the most of every touchpoint along the candidate journey to convert promising prospects into successful hires, and how to negotiate terms with candidates, haggle- and hassle-free.

Certification in Media, Culture and Entertainment

Face the digital revolution by designing innovation strategies.