Take the lead in optimizing
your communications

Explore Executive Education HEC Montréal’s comprehensive lineup of courses in communication, marketing and sales. Interested in building a winning integrated communications strategy? Developing a digital marketing strategy that delivers the goods? Revamping your brand? Learning more about influencer marketing and social media? Exploring best practices in sales and business development? Making your writing and presentations stand out? We can help you achieve all this and more, with close to 30 short programs running the communications gamut.



Certification in Digital Marketing

6 days
Develop an integrated digital marketing strategy using simple exercises.

Business Development

2 days
Achieve your sales goals through strategic and proven approaches.

Certification in Communications, Marketing and Branding Strategy

5 days
Develop an integrated communication strategy using pragmatic approaches.

Strategic Recruitment: How to Woo and Wow Candidates - and Seal the Deal

1 day
Learn how to make the most of every touchpoint along the candidate journey to convert promising prospects into successful hires, and how to negotiate terms with candidates, haggle- and hassle-free.

Certification in Media, Culture and Entertainment

Face the digital revolution by designing innovation strategies.

For your organization

Did you know that all our programs can be custom-tailored to meet the needs of your organization? Contact us today to learn more.

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