Making decisions is something we all do everyday – oftentimes automatically without reflecting on the process. But some decisions require in-depth thought to avoid the pitfalls that can come with the territory. Faced with several options, managers must pick the most suitable course of action under the circumstances. Hence the importance of solid decision-making skills.
Research shows that decision-makers frequently – albeit unwittingly – make choices that are not particularly beneficial to themselves or their organization. The more you learn about the flaws inherent in the process, the easier it becomes to do something about it and resort to better solutions to management problems as they arise. As the Wall Street Journal’s Jason Zweig put it, when it comes to making decisions, “your mind has a mind of its own.”
This two-part course breaks down the steps involved in the decision-making process and the traps typically associated with each step. It explores the different types of decision-makers and outlines ideas for circumventing some of the hidden traps that can trip you up.