Manon Jeannotte appointed Director of First Nations Executive Education
08 February 2022
Manon Jeannotte est nommée directrice de l'École des dirigeants des Premières Nations - École des dirigeant(e)s HEC Montréal
February 8, 2022

Manon Jeannotte appointed director of FNEE

First Nations Executive Education (FNEE) is pleased to announce the appointment of Manon Jeannotte as its new Director.

A graduate of the McGill – HEC Montréal EMBA and co-initiator of the FNEE project, Manon Jeannotte has more than 20 years of experience working with First Nations, in the fields of politics, governance, as well as in the defense of Indigenous rights.

Elected for 12 years on her community’s (the Micmac Nation of Gespeg), council, she has dedicated the past few years to supporting First Nations governments in the fields of business development and governance.