Your Partner
in Growth


Did you know?

All our training programs are offered custom-made and internationally.


Custom Programs Available Worldwide

Custom Programs Available Worldwide

We can tailor our existing training programs or create new ones from scratch based on your business challenges and deploy them anywhere in the world. Through the UNICON network, the largest consortium of business schools offering executive education with 115 members in nearly 30 countries, we have privileged access to the knowledge of the best universities worldwide, allowing us to provide you with superior quality education, tailored to your needs.

Whether at our new downtown building or at your own premises, offer your teams customized training that reflects your business reality. We provide a turnkey service, mobilizing experts to co-create tailored content and handle all logistics, ensuring you receive the best talent development experience.

Two Options to Propel Your Organization

  • We adapt and customize our existing training programs.
  • Our team works with you to build a tailor-made training program from A to Z.

An Exceptional Environment

At the Hélène Desmarais building, everything has been designed to provide you with an unparalleled experience:

  • 9 rooms equipped with state-of-the-art technology for exceptional immersion
  • Common areas for breaks and meals conducive to networking
  • A 300-seat amphitheater
  • A modular and flexible conference center (capacity of 170 to 600 people)

A Wealth of Knowledge

Over 300 faculty members and renowned practitioners, and cutting-edge programs covering all areas of management, fueled by an ecosystem of 55 research chairs and groups.

We offer superior quality training through our team, which brings diverse expertise and valuable know-how. The integration of academic knowledge and practical experience creates a unique learning experience where theory and reality meet to bring knowledge to life.

École des dirigeant.e.s - formations internationales

Access World-Class Training


Schedule an Appointment


Your world has changed. The most effective way for your team to learn may no longer be the same. We have revamped our services to address the new realities and emerging needs of today’s organizations. The choice is yours! Select the delivery mode that works best for you and we will provide an optimal learning experience for your staff.



Your team will leave their usual workplace behind and immerse themselves in the world of Executive Education HEC Montréal, where the facilities have been specially designed to provide a premium learning environment.


With an online program, staff members outside the Montreal area can benefit from state-of-the-art training without the commute! They will have access to some of the most responsive virtual platforms on the market, enjoy high-quality content and engage interactively with their peers. The miles between you will melt away in an instant!



A technologically enabled format featuring a predetermined number of days in class, as needed, with the remainder delivered in person or online, whichever is most convenient for you.


Our instructors and experts will provide training on site at your company to incorporate your working environment into the experience. This is a great way to ensure they apply what they have learned in their day-to-day practices from the get-go!